ByBrianna | March 19, 2014

A Humidifier saved my life…

Ok, that may be a little dramatic; a humidifier did not run in front of a speeding train
Sun with glasses
ByBrianna | March 5, 2014

Are You Protected from Surges?

 If you answered – Yes, because I have everything plugged into power strips you are making a potentially
Sun with glasses
ByBrianna | February 26, 2014

Have You Heard the Dark and Dirty Secret…About Your Home Comfort System?

A lot of folks in my industry don’t really want to talk about the Number 1 Reason for
ByBrianna | February 18, 2014

What does SEER Rating Mean?

 When replacing Air conditioning units,  saving money on energy bills is a concern. How do we know what
ByBrianna | February 12, 2014

Winter Storm Preparedness: Winterize Your Home

We never know how many storms to expect in any given year, but one thing is for sure
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